Wells i'm sitting at the computer lab hanging out... But i should be doing my homework... Bah i't's only 1:20 class doesn't start until 3:30. I think that's a horrible class schedule class at 11-12:15 then class at 3:30-4:45. I'd rather just get class done and over with in one big block. O wells.
I'm still trying to graduate in May, wait, I'm not trying anymore I will graduate in May. I'm tired of the school thing at least for now anyways. I've actually been doing pretty good gettings A's and B's in my exams and projects. Though one of the more interesting classes I have a C in right now LOL.
I know I still have major feelings and to a certain sense it's calming. Calming to know I still feel that strongly for someone cuz for awhile I really didn't care at all. I just wanted everything to go away. But with this feeling I also have a new one. It sounds very conceited but I think i'm a sexy motherfucker
But it's how I feel and It's not really a bad feeling either. It's not the I'm the shit sexy motherfucker feeling but more Damn I feel good kind of thing. I don't think I've felt this way in a long time if ever. WElls homework time i guess...
I'm still trying to graduate in May, wait, I'm not trying anymore I will graduate in May. I'm tired of the school thing at least for now anyways. I've actually been doing pretty good gettings A's and B's in my exams and projects. Though one of the more interesting classes I have a C in right now LOL.
I know I still have major feelings and to a certain sense it's calming. Calming to know I still feel that strongly for someone cuz for awhile I really didn't care at all. I just wanted everything to go away. But with this feeling I also have a new one. It sounds very conceited but I think i'm a sexy motherfucker

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my set sweetness. It means a lot. x x