There are moments in life in which one would love to re-live over and over. Pent-up emotion; lust, desire and fear mingled with joy, so intense and beautiful I could have died and it would have been a lovely moment in which to do so. The explosion of rainbows and butterflies is intoxicating, so intoxicating that I wonder, after the fact, was I the only one who felt that at that moment? I thought that moment was amazing but my fears get the best of me. Now that the moment has long since passed I dwell. I retrace my steps and wonder was I alone? Are these feelings an illusion?
The reality of the person Im speaking of may be victim of my unintentional idealization. On a white pedestal labeled perfect and unattainable. Weather my perception is even close to reality is beyond my knowledge. Weather Ill ever get to know him better to verify this is out of my awkward hands. All I will do now is continue to second-guess my every interaction with him. YAY

The reality of the person Im speaking of may be victim of my unintentional idealization. On a white pedestal labeled perfect and unattainable. Weather my perception is even close to reality is beyond my knowledge. Weather Ill ever get to know him better to verify this is out of my awkward hands. All I will do now is continue to second-guess my every interaction with him. YAY

been there, done that. walked away out of my own fear and insecurity. stick to it. i imagine it will be amazing.