If "fortune favors the brave" why do i feel as though I'm being shafted?
I moved to Victoria on a whim. Without knowing anyone. Without a home. Everything up to July was going alright and now I feel overwhelmed with lonely-ness. The alt-people here clique-y. They're attractive but really clique-y. I'm a wallflower. Granted a brave wallflower. Like within my first week in the city I went to Logan's alone and ended up having a guy, who may have been a girl, try and get me too drunk... That was the most AWKWARD night of my life. I seem to attract the creeps and the people I might wanna hang out with seem too snobby for me.
I think I have to be more proactive on the making plans with people who are not apart of snobby cliques, which I've started to do and things are turning around. However I'm missing Vancouver a lot right now. I miss all my favorite people and all my favorite places. I know this is feeling of alienation will pass. Gotta look on the bright side of things:

Like my home feels like home thanks to Bob and Pan, my happy lil'monsters<3
And I have so much space to paint and draw<3

So the Glass Is Half Full... Stupid Idioms..
p.s Yes that painting is one of mine, it's a work in progress

this is me adding so broken pieces of mirror to the background. I've been documenting my progress since i liked this painting since i did the sketch.
I moved to Victoria on a whim. Without knowing anyone. Without a home. Everything up to July was going alright and now I feel overwhelmed with lonely-ness. The alt-people here clique-y. They're attractive but really clique-y. I'm a wallflower. Granted a brave wallflower. Like within my first week in the city I went to Logan's alone and ended up having a guy, who may have been a girl, try and get me too drunk... That was the most AWKWARD night of my life. I seem to attract the creeps and the people I might wanna hang out with seem too snobby for me.
I think I have to be more proactive on the making plans with people who are not apart of snobby cliques, which I've started to do and things are turning around. However I'm missing Vancouver a lot right now. I miss all my favorite people and all my favorite places. I know this is feeling of alienation will pass. Gotta look on the bright side of things:

Like my home feels like home thanks to Bob and Pan, my happy lil'monsters<3
And I have so much space to paint and draw<3

So the Glass Is Half Full... Stupid Idioms..
p.s Yes that painting is one of mine, it's a work in progress

this is me adding so broken pieces of mirror to the background. I've been documenting my progress since i liked this painting since i did the sketch.
So, I am looking at the thing I am drawing...And it doesn't look good at all.
But we had a deal so I will have it up on my blog tomorrow.
