my pretty chunks of pink all blended together
this week was fun filled classes and very little work (i'll only be working 15hours a week)
i have homework from advanced drawing , which i was going to do today but it's all rainy. i hope it clears in a couple hours. my homework is to draw a tree i have a connection to. it's going to be reference to a HUGE drawing i'll be doing. i think it's suppose to be two huge stonehege type of paper, way bigger than me.
I CAN'T wait for Monday!!!!!! New Media!!!!! hopefully the teacher for that class isn't like Mah. I did a graphic design type class for my senoir year in high school, so for the entry year i was stuck with Mr Mah. He wasn't at all fond of me, he thought i was "one of those Fine Art students" or "Leibman's girls" (Leibman wasn't too fond of me either, in fact NON of my art teachers in high school liked me). anyways Mr MAh was a fuddy-duddy. i'm not to fond of fuddy duddies or anyone who's too serious. it bores me. i love teachers who are excited about what they are teaching.
OMG it has stopped!!!!!! *the rain*
Treat I Stole pics from FU's LJ

this week was fun filled classes and very little work (i'll only be working 15hours a week)
i have homework from advanced drawing , which i was going to do today but it's all rainy. i hope it clears in a couple hours. my homework is to draw a tree i have a connection to. it's going to be reference to a HUGE drawing i'll be doing. i think it's suppose to be two huge stonehege type of paper, way bigger than me.
I CAN'T wait for Monday!!!!!! New Media!!!!! hopefully the teacher for that class isn't like Mah. I did a graphic design type class for my senoir year in high school, so for the entry year i was stuck with Mr Mah. He wasn't at all fond of me, he thought i was "one of those Fine Art students" or "Leibman's girls" (Leibman wasn't too fond of me either, in fact NON of my art teachers in high school liked me). anyways Mr MAh was a fuddy-duddy. i'm not to fond of fuddy duddies or anyone who's too serious. it bores me. i love teachers who are excited about what they are teaching.
OMG it has stopped!!!!!! *the rain*
Treat I Stole pics from FU's LJ

i wish i could still dye mine.
oh and, art <3.
i dont get to go to college til next year though.
i couldn't get a damn loan~