At the risk of being the boy who cried "wolf", my time at SG has come to an end... at least for now.
My annual renewal date is set for tomorrow, and I've decided not to renew at this time. Don't get this twisted, SG is very special to me and very valuable to my life. I've met some of the most amazing people, both models and members. I've seen controversy and the re-birth that followed. THIS COMMUNITY IS AMAZING!!
Now, for a little insight. I am one of the more "active" members here. In terms of encouragement, support, and yes (shhh!!!) Money. And I feel no shame in that. But recently SG has decided to up the price of admission to the site. And let me be clear, I DO NOT FAULT THEM FOR IT. The simple value of being here is way higher than they have been charging for years!!
That said, raising the price, in my estimation, discourages tipping and support for the Babes that deserve it. So, I wanted to take a moment to share an idea I have to make this value-participation balance more appealing:
To SG Staff and Team,
I've been doing some thinking about the recent rise in subscription price. And as a member who spends well over the new price, usually per month- I feel a little discouraged to have to pay the increase. I also understand why you have done this. But maybe there is a compromise? How about creating a tier style rewards system? Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or whatever. Money spent, blogs created, group comments, etc... could give members (and models too?) points that could be used to discount the subscription price, merch discounts, or other perks.
I think a system like this would encourage interaction to the models, inspire more renewals, and create more DAILY activity.
I am not renewing at this time, due to a lack of money in my budget, and not for any other reason. But I want to take a minute to say THANK YOU! You have been a beacon of light when my world was darkest. I had a community when I felt the most alone. I have a feeling I will be back.
Much Love Always,
Mikey, AKA TT316
Before I go, I want to recognize a lot of you that have left a positive impact on me. Some for a second, and others a bit more permanently. A big thank you to everyone tagged here:
@nikikat33 @imnotferris @inkedodie @romous117 @elixic @adam_bovary @we_attack_at_dawn @joensen @olgakulaga @jadestoner @gabbymoon @mily @lioncourt @vithen @zen @rubymoon @brubs @angelus @amoxi @julha @juliju @shameless @shalil @sophya @svetlanna @niffler @phianixx @arthemis @babu @reggielove @aurralee @sg_gemma @anara @amra @ayah @missy @penny @sean @lemon @eirenne @yessybear @sarahmoon @foxxy @shenzy @truthfairy @quinnsparks @bretema @star @melina @unita @zorii @covee @rare @maleh @sammyice @reira @nanette @cocoafrodi @mirzam @jaade_ @evoke @elune @brujaja @catarina @nerestorm @rocksy @clarafoot
And if I've not tagged you, it is not because you didn't make an impact- my head is just way over consumed with emotion right now. I have love for everyone here and any interactions I've had mean the world to me.
I've left my contact info before, but I'll do it again now. I'd love to hear from any and all of you:
IG: Wanderingi34
Snap: onetakewanderer
Twitter: @Mr_awesome541
Goodbye... for now <3