Well, well, well. I received the verbal offer today and thank everyone who provided good vibes to the universe on my behalf. The comp package was better than requested and I am really looking forward to starting. Now it's just waiting on background checks and drug tests. . . love
Still no frackin' new job. Starting to develop anxiety around this whole issue. . . Not. Happy. At. All.

This really sucks - I had planned my benefit enrollment for the new year around leaving my current job and switching which means that I don't have access to my tax-free funds for contacts, contact lens solutions, acupuncture, etc. for the sweetie. Things are getting hard...
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I am in possession of the final job description and have scheduled interviews in CT as a sop to HR. No actual offer letter yet but we're almost there. . . Damn, it's hard to believe that I've been negotiating this for almost 24 months now. When done it will represent a 34% raise in my base salary and a comparable bonus to what I...
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Only one resolution this year: Stop trying to control shit that I cannot control. Have to remember to live in the moment, let go of the past, and remember that the future is not yet here.
Axl Rose said it best. Yesterday ain't got nothin for me. Living in past events whether they are good or bad is not good for you. It prevents you from living for the present and future.
Well, the year is ending on a down note. Struggling to make ends meet right now with the new business and the delays in my new job. I wish that I had better decisions to prepare myself for this period of start-up but I didn't. I used to be much better at avoiding the should've, could've, and would've conversations in my head because I obviously...
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Axl rose said it best. Yesterday ain't got nothin for me. Living in the past whether its good or bad is not good for you. It prevents you from living for the present and future.
smile thank you buttercup!
The new job is mine and starting in 2011. . . Just waiting on final HR paperwork and then I will give notice at my current employer. Yea me. So nice to get the hell outta there.
OK universe, just putting this out there. . . Tomorrow is my follow-up conference call to discuss the big position change. I would like for the person on the other end to say that it's a done deal. That way I can give notice now and start once the holidays are over. Just sayin'. So, universe, would like this to happen tomorrow. That is all.
Hey smile thank you for your comment on my set !
More layoffs at work this week. . . Survivor's guilt. One of my good friends was given notice. His wife lost her job four months ago and they have a young daughter. Yeah. Sure. He gets a severance package. But it still sucks. Feels bad that I get to keep my job (although I need it until the new one comes through) and he doesn't....
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Well. . . Struggling somewhat. The yoga studio is starting to happen but it's draining the last of my savings. Makes me worry. Worry a lot. Can share it with the sweetie though - she needs to plow ahead with her dream. It's just me. I worry. Too much. It's a problem I have. A condition.

I am trying to trust in the universe. Trying....
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It's not about protecting myself though. Honestly I'm kind of jealous that he was there for her and not me. All I know about him is what my mother has told me other the years... which isn't much. When I was little he didn't show for the custody hearing and he told my mother if he couldn't have her, he didn't want anything to do with me. Now years upon years later I'm suppose to believe he cares and wants to get to know me. All of which is coming from a cousin not him.
Hope things work out for you. . . Hope you're not getting caught in the snow up that way.
JOB UPDATE: The job is posted and it should be locked down by the end of the year. This is awesome as my current employer plans on reducing my total comp next year while still asking me to do the same frackin work! Bastards. So, I negotiated a January start date at the new job so that I could collect the PTO that I am...
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Oh where oh where is my new job. . . Man, the delays are killing me. Must. Get. New. Job. Soon.
I feel this blog so much!