I was in love
it eneded
un understanded
I was an ass
but a child she terminated
It's her action
I chose the babies creation
Love our family
Alone now
She hate me
faetus gone now
I love her
No communication
Wot isn't
experience no loss
Illusion and growth
A new level
steppin on my devils
make real wot I thought was incredible

it eneded
un understanded
I was an ass
but a child she terminated
It's her action
I chose the babies creation
Love our family
Alone now
She hate me
faetus gone now
I love her
No communication
Wot isn't
experience no loss
Illusion and growth
A new level
steppin on my devils
make real wot I thought was incredible

Supression of the ego.
Reading that it seems totally inadequate, but them the basics.
What is your personal experience of those links? You read the books, went to the meetings, Meditate every day?
Hope you`re well
I`ve not made the jump to meditation, though I have been listening to the Nada (the universal sound). I read about it from a guy called Salim Michael who afriend recommended to me. Sometimes its stronger and sometimes its weaker, but if I stop, listen, then I can hear it. Oddly comforting.