This just in: Millions get drunk and stoned while 10's of thousands die of needless starvation. Selfish? I'm not in a position to comment (although I just did. Did anyone notice?)
Cool things about 2day. Although I had only 10 hrs sleep fri and sat I had plenty o' beans to do my groceries and do the 5 k walk against want. I wasn't gonna go due to lack of sleep but a freind called as she does when she has boy trouble and off we went. Never turn down an opportunity to spend time with an aries, I say.
Bought Kung Faux too. cracking me up. Unlike the babies I live with. "I'm celebrating life by poisoning myself" right. You're selfish and have no courage.
Oh I got my SG ticket 2day too. Look out girls wrow wrow
Cool things about 2day. Although I had only 10 hrs sleep fri and sat I had plenty o' beans to do my groceries and do the 5 k walk against want. I wasn't gonna go due to lack of sleep but a freind called as she does when she has boy trouble and off we went. Never turn down an opportunity to spend time with an aries, I say.
Bought Kung Faux too. cracking me up. Unlike the babies I live with. "I'm celebrating life by poisoning myself" right. You're selfish and have no courage.
Oh I got my SG ticket 2day too. Look out girls wrow wrow

To be fair quite a bit has happened of late, bought that flat by the sea and looking into how we are going to move there permanantely. Its gonna take a couple of years and there is loads to do with the flat. I want to write more, get fitter, stop smoking (but I don`t really, i think i should). I want to go trecking in the Altai mountains at some point so I need to get my fitness up. Maybe i can afford to go in a year and a half. its an expensive trip for 10 days. But you get to train it across russia, then walk round a 4000 m mountain and live tribes style for 10 days. Its the place that ultimately I am from. It borders mongolia, Kazakstan and China as well as Russia.
So I think that is the next couple of years sorted
Those pics are of the beach by our flat. Its so good to see the sunset and the sky away from the bustle of London. Healing definately is in nature.
keep well
Sometimes I feel like she is sucking the life out of me. That`s why I joined the site in the first place, I needed an outlet.
I don`t see friends as much and everytime we try to get around to talking about her son and that it wasn`t her fault she freezes and doesn`t want to talk about it.
I think i`m gonna have to make a desicion about the site, either continue as I am, tell her, or just give it up all together.
I just can`t see her being ok about it.
Keep well mate.