Below it sez "You are currently not ignoring anyone. Good for you." Bit of a laugh I spose.
Been listening to luke vibert and now Krishna Das.
Saw the ex the other day first time in over 2 yrs walking down adelaide. She was still very striking, immaculate style, immaculately combined. Very black tho. Not goth, maybe industrial? Fucked if I know bout those labelisations. I'm glad I didn't greet her. I didn't even recognize her. She is not a 'black' person. She 'was' so vibrant. I didn't come to the definate comprehension that it was her for a few days. She woulda recognized me easily. I have a big weasal tat on my inner to outer left forearm.
Still it woulda been a shock. It was and is still for me.
I don't want her anywhere near me. I don't fear her but what an effort it was overcoming her ill vibes. She plays with some wicca psychic shit. e.g. I'd be sleeping and she'd be in my dream. That might sound lovely but it fucking was NOT! It was like, "what, what are you doing in there?". I'd wake shaking and knowing she's awake too but playing possum make her face and answer me. The smile she had was like something out of the Ring and she sez "What are you so afraid of?" Yeah, right. Like you don't know! You're the 1 doing whatever the fuck it is that I can't remember in my dream to make me scared as shit. Yes shit like this and all sorts of other games were played.
Yeah so that sucked.
Still ya learn form these things. Karma is karma. No point bitching. just sharing for clearing.
So light isn't better than dark. light comes from dark. the void the infinite the unmanifested the yin the Divine Mother Kali Maha Deva Ma Durga Maha Laxsmi. The ever patient ever forgiving. all are humbled in your most gracious presence. please accept these tears of shame and joy these little rainbows I have nothing and e'en this is at your Grace.
She calls I hear but will I be moved how will I be animated
... get there in the end

Been listening to luke vibert and now Krishna Das.
Saw the ex the other day first time in over 2 yrs walking down adelaide. She was still very striking, immaculate style, immaculately combined. Very black tho. Not goth, maybe industrial? Fucked if I know bout those labelisations. I'm glad I didn't greet her. I didn't even recognize her. She is not a 'black' person. She 'was' so vibrant. I didn't come to the definate comprehension that it was her for a few days. She woulda recognized me easily. I have a big weasal tat on my inner to outer left forearm.
Still it woulda been a shock. It was and is still for me.
I don't want her anywhere near me. I don't fear her but what an effort it was overcoming her ill vibes. She plays with some wicca psychic shit. e.g. I'd be sleeping and she'd be in my dream. That might sound lovely but it fucking was NOT! It was like, "what, what are you doing in there?". I'd wake shaking and knowing she's awake too but playing possum make her face and answer me. The smile she had was like something out of the Ring and she sez "What are you so afraid of?" Yeah, right. Like you don't know! You're the 1 doing whatever the fuck it is that I can't remember in my dream to make me scared as shit. Yes shit like this and all sorts of other games were played.
Yeah so that sucked.
Still ya learn form these things. Karma is karma. No point bitching. just sharing for clearing.

So light isn't better than dark. light comes from dark. the void the infinite the unmanifested the yin the Divine Mother Kali Maha Deva Ma Durga Maha Laxsmi. The ever patient ever forgiving. all are humbled in your most gracious presence. please accept these tears of shame and joy these little rainbows I have nothing and e'en this is at your Grace.

She calls I hear but will I be moved how will I be animated

... get there in the end

I will be kind to myself
You take care