Well, allright... I'm sitting here drinking Jack Daniels over ice out of my favorite coffee cup, dutifully stolen from that mecca of bad food and worse atmosphere, the Waffle House.
I am very proud of this coffe cup though, considering that while I lived in North Carolina, the Waffle House (otherwise known as the "Awful Waffle") was the cornerstone of my diet when I was driving home from the bar. Waffle House, I raise this cup of whiskey to you.
In other news, while I have graduated bartending school, I am still looking for a job as an actual bartender. Not for lack of looking, either... I've applied at 14 different bars to date. If nothing else, I'll go back to my job driving construction equipment for Ritchie Brothers. (Bonus points awarded if anyone out there knows who Ritchie Brothers is) Therefore, if I don't get a job getting people drunk, it's back to driving one of these beasts around...
So anyways... I'm kind of drunk, sitting here. I'm currently listening to the new Nine Inch Nails album, and I must say I am pleased with it... well, I'm off to burn a CD or two for Noelle.

I am very proud of this coffe cup though, considering that while I lived in North Carolina, the Waffle House (otherwise known as the "Awful Waffle") was the cornerstone of my diet when I was driving home from the bar. Waffle House, I raise this cup of whiskey to you.
In other news, while I have graduated bartending school, I am still looking for a job as an actual bartender. Not for lack of looking, either... I've applied at 14 different bars to date. If nothing else, I'll go back to my job driving construction equipment for Ritchie Brothers. (Bonus points awarded if anyone out there knows who Ritchie Brothers is) Therefore, if I don't get a job getting people drunk, it's back to driving one of these beasts around...

So anyways... I'm kind of drunk, sitting here. I'm currently listening to the new Nine Inch Nails album, and I must say I am pleased with it... well, I'm off to burn a CD or two for Noelle.
on the back of the book is says "listen to the house".
its interesting, to say the least. brother and sister to boot.
other books -- I dont get to read as much as I would like to sadly. I really like Chuck Palahniuks books [Fight Club, Survivor, Lullaby, Invisable Monsters] and such ... have you ever read those? namely Lullaby?
my 5 seconds of fame is that I hung out with Chuck P for a weekend, and the main female in that book is based off of my likeness. --- big pink fluff of hair {before I had dreads}, pink suit, pink tennies, pink tipped nails, Italian, Olive skin and sells haunted houses. rock-the-fuck-out
... and that as they say, is that
another good one is Stiff. just a book about corpses, and what really happens when you die. Half funny .. half of the worse facts ever. its delicious. ^.~*
you can probably get that CD off ebay or something for a couple dollars. its not like its in high demand.
I dont know when it goes up ... =\ Im in agony waiting tho!!
SG prom? :: blinks :: what is that?
[still getting used to all the forums and boards and such --*]