So there I was... trapped in the jungle, just me and my trusty bamboo stick, sharpened to a lethal point. The savages were closing in. They encircled me from behind, and one of them bared his teeth. I got into a fighting crouch.
They would not steal my Kelloggs Nutri-Grain Bars (Strawberry Flavor)
Riddle of the day:
No sooner spoken than broken.
(this one's kind of easy, I know)
They would not steal my Kelloggs Nutri-Grain Bars (Strawberry Flavor)
Riddle of the day:
No sooner spoken than broken.
(this one's kind of easy, I know)

So you like my pic huh? Is it just the red lipstick that makes it sexy? or is it the pic overall

Yeah, I go for the red b/c I practically worrship Marilyn Monroe My boyfriend got me like five photo books on her. He couldn't get out of bed the next day HHEEEEEE