I think you're a virus. A disease. A plague. You make me sick sometimes. Sometimes I look at you and I want to throw up. Just puke my guts out. Scream at you. Tear my hair out. Gouge my eyes out. Hearing you speak is like chewing on broken glass, I love you so much. Seeing you with that fucking loser. Seeing how he makes you feel. I watched him make you cry. I fucking hate the way you make me feel. I'm not myself around you. Just seeing you play with your hair makes me want to swallow a shotgun. Hearing you on the phone makes me want to vomit. I need your voice in my ear like a junkie needs his fix. I need to see the way your tits fill out that blue shirt you wear sometimes. You're my addiction. You're my nightmare. I fucking hate you.
take it easy. take it hard. take it fast. take it any way you can get it.
I have a tripod, and the camera has a self timer, but what I think I really need is a camera that doesn't need me to push the button for the self-timer to reset each time.. It needs to just keep going every 5 seconds or something.
The craze wasn't anything special.. People just being dumb, hacking into all the online journal sites..Meh. I don't think I really have to worry abuot that here. Plus the majority of the poeple here are smarter and wiser.
I feel most of us are past that stage here..