RIP purple hair. I'm on my way out to go buy some BLACK DYE so I can look relatively presentable for my job interview(s). I was going to bleach it all out, but blonde makes my eyes look too blue. Its scary, like, children of the corn shit. So black it is! I'll sure miss the purple, though, and all the glares that it drew out of fellow pedestrians. It was a fun romp while it lasted.
Maybe I'll start my Christmas shopping while I'm out..I'm such a holiday n00b.
RIP purple hair. I'm on my way out to go buy some BLACK DYE so I can look relatively presentable for my job interview(s). I was going to bleach it all out, but blonde makes my eyes look too blue. Its scary, like, children of the corn shit. So black it is! I'll sure miss the purple, though, and all the glares that it drew out of fellow pedestrians. It was a fun romp while it lasted.
Maybe I'll start my Christmas shopping while I'm out..I'm such a holiday n00b.