So i just finished a logo proposition for a KC local hardcore band named watching the coroner, the former isolated fields band, hopefully they will like it so i get paid and get some more of my designs out there.
Skulls, Flames, Snakes, Naked Ladies, OH my, i don't have a tatoo, so i really need to get on top of designing something like thus to get myself inked, i am thinking of a graphic of burning buildings and the words "destroy" underneath them, too much? i dunno, i will think of something....someday....
Who else wants a logo?
I was browsing through a few of the ladies on here, and i came across the SG mei, and i looked at some of her pics, and the girl has not shaven her arms or belly in awhile and for some reason i think that's really really cool, the natural state, or something i don't know...in fact i found her pics to be more appealing than most, or maybe i just find human behavior just as odd as defying it, but anyway rock on mei! i know you will never read this, but still.
Well i am off to lawrence to see the BLood Brothers, hell yeas!
i can't plan that right now
not that far ahead
i dunno what i may need to do
and i cant do it at my house
there isn't anywhere to do it at all.....
I have a photographer, but looking for new blood, always.