I'm back again.

I seemed to have forgotten about this place. It's a nice little venue to observe others.

That is...observe them as much as you can in a text and jpeg based environment.

I need to get out more.
Not to piss anyone off or anything, but...if Sideways is the future of filmmaking...kill me now.

Never have I seen a film about two adult whiners, whining about everything under the son and doing nothing.

A giant shitball of a movie that ranks right up there with About Schmidt.

Avoid at all costs and go see....

CLOSER. A great play, a great film and hopefully...
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My membership shuts off in January...so I think that I should add a few more posts.

Santa and Jesus love titties. So...don't disappoint the Gods of Materialism and Middle America.
I'm stepping away from the SG again.

I've just found more work (real and filming) to do. Hopefully, these turns of events will bring me one step closer to pulling off my original plans of showcasing Day of the Woman on the local station.

Oh well. Now, I've got to learn Claymation.

That's right...Claymation.
Day of the women on tv? I'd love to see that
It's what I've been trying to get on Channel 98. I can't find the right size of a cast. I'm work with some Pre Vis software, so I can fake some exteriors and I'm trying to find people who can modestly act.

I wanted to start in June, but that got shitcanned. Now, I'm trying to start shooting anything as soon as possible.
Dirt McGirt takes a dirt nap.

I'm going to miss O.D.B., in that way that I never knew the man. I truly loved his version of "Sussido" and that stunt he pulled at the Grammys during Shawn Colvin's acceptance speech.

On Mongo, his name shall reach our hallowed halls.

All Hail Ol' Dirty Bastard!
I saw that on his Best of Cd, O.D.B has a song about getting a heart attack.


The guy was a street genius.
Elections are like Field Day for the disenfranchised.

Think about that one...

Fuck it. I'm bored...yet again. I suck ass at San Andreas, and that's not holding my attention.

Things to do...Things to do....

The new Looney Tunes DVD set came out. I should go pick up some Chuck Jones goodness.
Man, I took a trip outside today.

Towards the end of finishing a writing thingie. Anderson needs a new pair of everything.

Met some old people, the old lady said that I acted like Danny Kaye. The old man said that I acted like that "Wild and Crazy" guy. I think that he meant Steve Martin.

I was juggling pumpkins, when these people came up...
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CRAP! Sorry for the "sydfloyd" comment (right above mine) That's my boyfriend's alias. I forgot he was logged in and not me..
Dude, it's cool.

I crave attention. It's what used to get me in trouble in elementary school.

I also crave Crystal Clear Pepsi, but they don't make that anymore.
Finally got a picture up.


All Hail Ming!
Hello strange person I do not yet know! wink I'll try and type shorter entries for your attention span. Anyways...*timer dings*....time to put the rest of my hair dye on! Yay!!
Awesome. Totally awesome.

I used to ramble a lot, but then I got bored. Now, I write obscene letters to random people. I'm legally not allowed to be in the same state as Craig T. Nelson.

Coach was awesome.

I just finished watching the American Zoetrope documentary on the THX 1138 DVD. I feel more depressed than ever, that I haven't started some amazing film collective like Coppola did.

I'm going to go hide now.
Entertain me, people.

I'm bored as hell...and, it's not going to let up anytime soon.
Why yes, I did wink
still there too

I saw your old pics, and I knew you looked familiar.
I'm bigger than Jesus.
He was a tiny man.

Thought that you all should know.
Accidentally posted my new journal entry, as a comment on the last entry.

Read that, there.

I'll do my damndest to keep this updated.