Well holy fucking shit has it ever been a while since I've updated. Well let's see. It's my b-day next week, that should be pretty fucking awesome, i'm getting tattooed the same day and I'll be turning 28. Since june 15th I've lost almost 75 lbs just from eating better and trying to exercise as much as I can usually like 4-6 days a weeks....
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Well after not being on this site for a fuck of a while I have decided to come back, I won't lie the 29 doll-hairs of a year is what did it. Well I'll be posting more once I get the interweb in my house. =troy=
my band is called the glacial speed. which is fitting because we move at the actual speed of melting ice. haha. who is your friend that works there? i work there too. so funny.
hey dude. sorry about taking a while to get back to you. the interweb's been down at my place for a while. things are going alright, new semester, new place and roomate, just your general same shit, different shovel. sorry it's been a while since i've made it up to the greater fox river valley area, you should let me know when there's some worthwhile shit going down. even if it is just enjoying the people watching opportunities provided by a 24 perkins.
Hello to everyone,yo. I'm not really on the computer much since I've moved into brian xvx's house,oh well what can you do. I'm doing good, I got a new tattoo but it's all peeling and crappy looking. I fucking sick of being single but what can I really do? I'm gunna try and update more often. =troy=
what?! leaving SG?! but i never use myspace! ack!
well hey, how's it fucking going?
Fuck man, I'm one lazy bastard,haha. What can you do? I move in a week but I should still be a member of this site. As soon as it got nicer out my computer started to go to shit so that really does'nt help either. I should be getting a new one of my own soon (I hope). Later kids. =troy=
Damn at least your still alive! It's cool though I read Brian's journal to keep up with you.

i'm sure your cat just needs to get used to it. It will be a bit harder for them, because they're adults. It's easier here because the new cat is a kitten. Hopefully your cat won't be weird for long!
talk to you soon
talk to you soon

So by the prompting of my homegrrl daniyell I'm going to try to update more often, hopefully I don't give you fine folks much whiny,emo I need a grrlfriend crap. Today brian came and woke me up so we could go see the new star wars movie. I must say it was pretty fucking good. After the flick we went to the store to get...
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Yeah Episode III kicked ass. Easily the second best episode after Empire Strikes Back.
you're moving out?! that's awesome! on your own, or with roommates?
So I have'nt updated in about a month the reason? Simple, if I would of said anything in the past month it would of been- I work too much blah,blah,blah I need a grrlfriend. Now I'm feeling better and shit so I won't bother you all with negativity. Wisconsin Flu Deth played it's last show ever on saturday, it went ok. I'm pretty stoked to...
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Damn you were MIA bro. Glad to hear your feeling better. Thanks for sparing us from your whining.

i'd like say i can make it up there, but i don't know if i'll be able to swing it yet. i just finished the semester this week and moved back in with my folks for the summer as of today. the thing is i start my new job by port washington on monday and i've only been told what time i start so i'm not sure when i'll get off. i'll e-mail you my phone #. i'll be racing by chilton all day saturday and sunday but if you could give me a ring monday evening i can find out where it is and let you know better if i'll be able to make it up.
SO it's a new day and time for a new journal entry. So hopefully the working too much shit will end soon, I gave my manager a note that said I need saturdays off from now on. If that does'nt work I don't know what will.
It was so nice and fragrent out today that it hurt my nose to smell. It was like 60...
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It was so nice and fragrent out today that it hurt my nose to smell. It was like 60...
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you're only one year older than I am, what gives you the wisdom to say it all gets worse from here?
how have you been? we never talk anymore

how have you been? we never talk anymore
my heart will NEVER die!!!!!

So I just watched the best movie ever- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I think I can easily say that I love that movie. It made me really happy and kinda sad a little. It gave me hope that someday I'll meet someone awesome. Fuck I can really get emo sometimes. I guess sometimes hope is all you got. I need to work less,...
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go talk to him! i hate when people work too much, it makes me sad
That movie is fucking awesome. I definitely have some memories I wish I could have removed. Later bro!
Nothing put's you in a good mood like the 1st nice day in awhile. It was so nice out. I rode with brian as he put up fliers. It was fun as shit drving around and talking to people that we know. I guess that's really all I got to say right now. =troy=
can you send the nice weather here please? i could use some.

I get so fucking lazy with updating this shit sometimes, baaaa. So monday me,mel, brian, my bro and chad went to mpls to see 7 Seconds. I must say it fucking ruled. They played like 30 songs, most of the songs were off of the 1st 2 albums and only like 8 or so songs off of the last 2 albums. For being in their...
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i know you didn't say anything about that, you said the girl was trying to convince you to move here and I was just being a dumbass
i'm going back to bed now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

i'm going back to bed now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
So how was that Chicago show bro?
So yesterday I realized something that I think I've known for a while-MY LOVE LIFE IS A FUCKING JOKE! I guess this really should'nt come as any suprise, here's how it breaks down. If ya wanna think I'm a bastard after what I'm about say that would be ok cuz your probally right. So I never date the grrls I really want to, probally cuz...
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so when are you guys bringing me to wisconsin? 

better than good sex?! are you suuuuure about that comment?
So today went pretty good. I hung out with this grrl named Lyda, she's nice grrl shy but a real sweetheart. She's not fake so thats a good thing. I'm in a good mood cuz we made out and that was pretty good. I don't know what else to say so I think I'll say later. =troy=
i didn't really like The Rules of Attraction... but I loved the book, so that may be why
ack! i wish you had better luck with girls. I'll send chick-magnet powers to you