So, my brother called yesterday to tell us he was in the hospital and they were probably going to amputate his leg.
Well, that was out of the wild blue fucking yonder.
Seems he had a cut get infected, let it go without seeing a doc, and now the infection is all the way into his bone. Youch.
The good news is, the chief surgeon decided to give him megasuperIVantibiotics and see if that will work. 6 weeks of daily trips to the hospital for a 2 hour IV session.
And my brother is indigent. He has no car.
Peroxide, people. Peroxide and Neosporin ointment.
(Quote of the day, from Brother Bill: "Well, I heard they were doing some pretty cool things with prosthetics now, anyway.")
Well, that was out of the wild blue fucking yonder.
Seems he had a cut get infected, let it go without seeing a doc, and now the infection is all the way into his bone. Youch.
The good news is, the chief surgeon decided to give him megasuperIVantibiotics and see if that will work. 6 weeks of daily trips to the hospital for a 2 hour IV session.
And my brother is indigent. He has no car.
Peroxide, people. Peroxide and Neosporin ointment.
(Quote of the day, from Brother Bill: "Well, I heard they were doing some pretty cool things with prosthetics now, anyway.")