Another Saturday, another wedding. I am wrecked tired, or I would have gone for adult bevies with Andrea and crowd. That's the downside of getting "older"; can't party hard after 15 hour workdays anymore!!
I'd love a repeat of last night's thunderstorm.......I love lightning and thunder!! One of my best memories: camping in NM with Joel, having wild monkey sex during a serious badass tstorm. I do miss J-during tstorms anyway, lol.
Ah well. Look forward, plan never know what's around the next bend in the road.
I'd love a repeat of last night's thunderstorm.......I love lightning and thunder!! One of my best memories: camping in NM with Joel, having wild monkey sex during a serious badass tstorm. I do miss J-during tstorms anyway, lol.
Ah well. Look forward, plan never know what's around the next bend in the road.
oh....i love hot monkey sex during Tstorms.....and then sweet cuddly to the sound of rain