I hate having a truck sometimes. It's like I have a sign on my forehead that says, "Ask me to help you move" I got a call from my friend's gf, while I was still at work, and she asked me to help her move a table. So I said sure, since I'm a sucker. Then she tells me that she hasn't even picked it out yet and wants me to go with her to the store while she looks.
So I told her that if she found one I'd transport it for her but Im not going to walk around the store while she window shops. In my experience, women don't find exactly what they want the first time out. Then before I leave work the receptionist, that I barely know, tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend and wants to know if I can help her move her shit out of his place tomorrow because she doesn't have any friends with trucks.
Twice in one day! Dammit. I've lived in 6 different places in the 8 years that I've lived in Sac, so I hate moving. That's why I never ask anyone to help me, because I don't want to "owe them one" when it comes time for them to move. And like I said, I'm a sucker and would say yes.
So looks like I'm going to be doing a lot of moving this weekend.

Dude, hell yes. I hadn't even considered free drinks.. That in and of itself is reason to go out like that tonight.
Hey hope your well!