I love that it's getting cooler. I can't wait for it to actually snow in the mountains. The lifts, closest to here, opened Friday but it's fake snow. A friend of mine went and said it sucked, so I'm hoping for miserable weather so we get some snow. I read other people's blogs that say how they hate how much it snows where they live. I think I need to move there. I bought a weather prove sweatshirt for boarding when it's warm out. It has mittens built into the sleeves
I only got to wear it once last year. And it's almost time for my winter beard too.
My friends want to go see paranormal activity tonight but it looks lame. I hate first person, "blair witch" style movies like that.

I only got to wear it once last year. And it's almost time for my winter beard too.

My friends want to go see paranormal activity tonight but it looks lame. I hate first person, "blair witch" style movies like that.
and your dating advice does not suck!