Fuck I finally have internet again. I have learned that you can't do everything that life requires, internet wise, from an Iphone. Believe me it helps, but nothing beats a good old fashioned computer hooked up to a modem.
Damn it's fucking hot here! 101 fucking degrees outside. I've spent the last few weekends in Santa Cruz with friends and let me tell you I am damn close to moving there. The weather is nice, 90 is hot to them. Plus, working in a warehouse, its always a few degrees hotter than outside. So I walk around with a black bandana soaked in cold water all day.
I had a beard for a few months in the winter and when it started getting hot I shaved it. But not before doing this.

Damn it's fucking hot here! 101 fucking degrees outside. I've spent the last few weekends in Santa Cruz with friends and let me tell you I am damn close to moving there. The weather is nice, 90 is hot to them. Plus, working in a warehouse, its always a few degrees hotter than outside. So I walk around with a black bandana soaked in cold water all day.
I had a beard for a few months in the winter and when it started getting hot I shaved it. But not before doing this.

mmmm... beer