I thought I'd change my pic to something a bit more redneck for a laugh
One of the things about being an actor is that you have to be a blank canvas which means no visuable body mods and also I can't have a completly wayward look. I miss being a uni when I looked "gother than thou" but now I have to reign it in
So another week gone and I must admit I had a pretty poor week, I found it difficult to focus for some periods and was getting some stick off my tutors. This was justified in the begining of the week but then I continued to get stick into Thursday until it got to point I was like "get off my dick". Friday saw a bust up in our group and words were hurled across the theatre, I was pretty neutral in the arguement although I could identify the guilty party.
This weekend I got to go and see my Mum and Dad cos it was my Mum's 50th Bday and we all went to see my cousins play in a 'brass band last night of the proms' which was fun waving our union flags and singing 'Land Of Hope And Glory'. After that all our family piled around our house as oft time before. I also got to see my best friend Adam who's been in Canada working in the Winepeg hospital for 3 months so it was nice to have him home if only for me to lay my tale of sorrow and woe upon him. Seriously even the seemingly strongest of us need a shoulder to cry on.
Today I woke up and felt
due to the mix of drinks I consumed on Sat but I felt better after a trip to Tesco and a round of golf with my dad before returning to London.
Back to the grind stone.

One of the things about being an actor is that you have to be a blank canvas which means no visuable body mods and also I can't have a completly wayward look. I miss being a uni when I looked "gother than thou" but now I have to reign it in

So another week gone and I must admit I had a pretty poor week, I found it difficult to focus for some periods and was getting some stick off my tutors. This was justified in the begining of the week but then I continued to get stick into Thursday until it got to point I was like "get off my dick". Friday saw a bust up in our group and words were hurled across the theatre, I was pretty neutral in the arguement although I could identify the guilty party.
This weekend I got to go and see my Mum and Dad cos it was my Mum's 50th Bday and we all went to see my cousins play in a 'brass band last night of the proms' which was fun waving our union flags and singing 'Land Of Hope And Glory'. After that all our family piled around our house as oft time before. I also got to see my best friend Adam who's been in Canada working in the Winepeg hospital for 3 months so it was nice to have him home if only for me to lay my tale of sorrow and woe upon him. Seriously even the seemingly strongest of us need a shoulder to cry on.
Today I woke up and felt

Back to the grind stone.
hope things have been better this week! my week has been pretty shit!