My weekend did exactly what it said on the tin.
Was able to chill out and see some friends, people kept buying me food, drink and cigs all weekend so who was I to refuse?
Got 4 new skulls! Seriously though my bedroom is starting to look like a graveyard.
My ice hockey helmet came in the post so I can finally get on with my video for the rest of the week.
I just checked whether the helmet would fit any of the skulls and it does!!! I now have ice hockey skull and american football skull
And I'm there.....

Was able to chill out and see some friends, people kept buying me food, drink and cigs all weekend so who was I to refuse?
Got 4 new skulls! Seriously though my bedroom is starting to look like a graveyard.
My ice hockey helmet came in the post so I can finally get on with my video for the rest of the week.

And I'm there.....
i find it really funny that you got mega excited bout the fact that your skulls now wear hats!