Well after much depression and lack of motivation to get out of bed, with my money situation having gone well beyond dire: I finally job.
I went to a couple of interviews for jobs and was offered employment but they really weren't right for me, in that I couldn't have carried on working when school back. But now I have a job doing sales at...
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I went to a couple of interviews for jobs and was offered employment but they really weren't right for me, in that I couldn't have carried on working when school back. But now I have a job doing sales at...
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End Of Term!!!!!
Got about a month or so off, but I gotta get an xmas job now which more than sux.
Since I last updated I had a performance where I stepped in for someone at the last minute and unfortunately it really showed as alas I butchered 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' but although I was quite crestfallen at the time it didn't take...
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Got about a month or so off, but I gotta get an xmas job now which more than sux.
Since I last updated I had a performance where I stepped in for someone at the last minute and unfortunately it really showed as alas I butchered 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' but although I was quite crestfallen at the time it didn't take...
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hahahahahah that cheese thing rocks

Cheers for the comment dude. Word of advice, if you're going to Rochdale, the Church Inn serves a very nice cheap pint (1.35 last time I went!) and there's a top fish 'n' chip shop just down the road from it.
Regarding the funding...erm, well I'm probably not the best person to ask advice from. I took out a loan from the bank and basically managed it very badly which is a key reason why I never finished my course and had to drop out halfway through (well, that and the fact I'd failed two of the four modules I'd done at the time). So there's not really much help I can give other than to say sorry but I'm sure you'll find something if you look hard enough.

Regarding the funding...erm, well I'm probably not the best person to ask advice from. I took out a loan from the bank and basically managed it very badly which is a key reason why I never finished my course and had to drop out halfway through (well, that and the fact I'd failed two of the four modules I'd done at the time). So there's not really much help I can give other than to say sorry but I'm sure you'll find something if you look hard enough.
Hello!! I've been busy that's why I haven't been around for a while.
Starting with two weeks ago: With the show impending the pattern of life went as follows - sleep eat rehearse, repeat. The week was broken up however by going to the Pornovurt album launch at Madame JoJo's which totally ruled and left me virtually deaf the next day.
Come Friday and Saturday...
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Starting with two weeks ago: With the show impending the pattern of life went as follows - sleep eat rehearse, repeat. The week was broken up however by going to the Pornovurt album launch at Madame JoJo's which totally ruled and left me virtually deaf the next day.
Come Friday and Saturday...
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Just think about your week off, that might make you feel better

Sorry the show didnt go very well dude, but its the weekend so go and party

What a half term week! It totally rocked.
I started out chilling out and enjoying the slower pace of life with my parents and having drinks with an old friend.
Thursday really saw things kick off when I went to my graduation in Cheltenham. It was a nice ceromony and I saw all my old friends from uni and got to see Vicky graduate: well...
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I started out chilling out and enjoying the slower pace of life with my parents and having drinks with an old friend.
Thursday really saw things kick off when I went to my graduation in Cheltenham. It was a nice ceromony and I saw all my old friends from uni and got to see Vicky graduate: well...
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You sound like you had a amazing day... props to you

I am glorious, Thanks for asking! Been a good day so far, had work early today now home just having fun, Queen of the Damned on Sci Fi and some corny John Carpenter movie with Jon Bon Jovi is on now..... give a big "Wooo!" for Vamp movies. Ok walffled on long enough. ttyl dude

Last week: The in-fighting and bitching reached boiling point and ended with one girl being dumped out of our production. A shame really as she was a lovely little thing and I didn't have a bad thing to say about her on a personal level but that's the nature of the beast and the rest of the company can't carry a dead weight. For me...
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its great to go home every once in a while

sorry i wasnt about on thurday, i had to work and am skint mc skint face at the moment! 

Lots of line learning has been going on over the past week, with our (not so) end of term production in full rehearsal the need for line learning has been greatly on the mind of everyone. Everything needs to have everything learnt for this tuesday but I dont think thats going to be a problem.
My own week was once again riddled with ups and...
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My own week was once again riddled with ups and...
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My Halloween was on Friday unfortunatly, I wish I was in london so I could watch the Satanic Sluts tonight. That sounds like it will be a blast

sounds really cool mate, good luck for the performance, im tryin to learn my lines ffro "our countrys good" atm.
n thanks for the comment muchos apppreciated dude
n thanks for the comment muchos apppreciated dude

I've been inside too long, I'm starting to feel peculiar - Thats what I said on Thursday and was almost totally barking mad by Friday evening. It was a slow week to start with, I had to be getting over my cold so I spent a lot of time watching and not joining in with stuff which is okay to a point and then you...
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sox and nothing else?!

Tell me about it
I will email you the place as i can't say it here

I will email you the place as i can't say it here

I'm fucking ill
Ands it's really just a nuisance because I'm really busy.
So last week then, well it was a mixed batch really. For the first half of the week I was having a hard time finding the truth in my characters so I started to compensate and ended up looking like I was acting. But towards the end of the week I really...
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So last week then, well it was a mixed batch really. For the first half of the week I was having a hard time finding the truth in my characters so I started to compensate and ended up looking like I was acting. But towards the end of the week I really...
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when i was in London, it was during football season. i remember sitting in the internet cafe at 3 in the morning or so listening to the saints on the radio... i was in europe from aug. to dec. that year, and didn't miss a single saints game. although i only got to see one on t.v. the whole time. heh.
for some reason it's speaking to alot of people right now, maybe it's something in the air, maybe were all just fucked up, maybe i'm contagious!
ugh....sleep, whats that?
stay strong and keep at it dude!

ugh....sleep, whats that?

stay strong and keep at it dude!

I thought I'd change my pic to something a bit more redneck for a laugh
One of the things about being an actor is that you have to be a blank canvas which means no visuable body mods and also I can't have a completly wayward look. I miss being a uni when I looked "gother than thou" but now I have to reign it...
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One of the things about being an actor is that you have to be a blank canvas which means no visuable body mods and also I can't have a completly wayward look. I miss being a uni when I looked "gother than thou" but now I have to reign it...
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hey dude, i know i'm scraping them for as much as i can get!
hope things have been better this week! my week has been pretty shit!

hope things have been better this week! my week has been pretty shit!

I'm doing ok I' just got a bit soppy
Sounds like you had a great weekend with your family
Hope your week at uni was a bit better this week

Went to Slimelights last night with a funky group of peeps and crawled in about 5.30 having had a good time, so to everyone there. Respect.
There was no let up on the drama front this week as the lessons keep coming thick and fast. I've never had so many lines to learn from so many different things at one time, I feel like I'm...
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There was no let up on the drama front this week as the lessons keep coming thick and fast. I've never had so many lines to learn from so many different things at one time, I feel like I'm...
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i thought it was a smart move too!
london is a lonely place but if your career is as important to you as i think it is then you will get through it fighting!

london is a lonely place but if your career is as important to you as i think it is then you will get through it fighting!

You look so red neck! But i know that won't offend you
Take care 'til the next time

Take care 'til the next time

London is gradually grinding me down...