Why is it that I always get sick when Jen and Susan leave? *bleh* I will make a doctor's appointment tommorow (well, today after I wake up), because this doesn't seem like normal sick.
More Blogs
Monday Dec 05, 2005
Anyway, what has happened to me in a year? Well, I had a rather nast… -
Sunday Dec 04, 2005
Damn, have I been gone an entire year? Crazy. *chuckle* Anyway, it'… -
Wednesday Sep 22, 2004
Actually, I may stay a while, at least if I can make the yearly payme… -
Saturday Aug 28, 2004
Hello all. Not to much to say, just thought I should write. *shrugs*… -
Monday Aug 23, 2004
Went on a houseboat the other day, and that was a fun little family e… -
Saturday Aug 14, 2004
Hullo again, just at my aunt and uncle's fiftieth wedding anniversary… -
Tuesday Aug 10, 2004
Hullo all! Just at my parents' house with my girlfriend for dinner. … -
Thursday Aug 05, 2004
Hullo world, or at least this small subsection of it. *chuckle* Th… -
Thursday Jul 29, 2004
Hullo everyone, or perhaps to anyone who still bothers to check my jo… -
Saturday Jul 10, 2004
Well, I finished Red Dead Revolver the other day, and I have been pla…