Well, things look like they might be improving for once. As I mentioned before, I'll be moving out of this house by around the end of month, and moving in a friend's apartment. Kinda sucks that I have to though. I've been here for about 3 years, the longest that I've ever lived in an actual house. It's the best option right now, and it's a HUGE financial burden off of my back. All I had to do was convince her to make up her mind about her current roommate.
Now, I know that sounds bad, but let me explain. The roommate, her "best friend", had her in a very unstable situation. Besides past issues which I won't mention, he is looking at his third drug charge, and was considering leaving the state to escape it. He told her that he didn't plan on staying, so she started her own roommate search, and we talked about it and decided that we'd go through with it. The problem came when he begged her not to take in a new roommate until after he was gone, which he wasn't sure when he would be because he hadn't figured out where he was going yet. And his parents pretty much begged her too, saying that they'd pay his rent for him and all that. This put her in a bad spot. She told him that he needed to at least give her a 2 week notice so that she could plan accordingly. He said he wouldn't do that, but that he was definitely leaving at some point, and THAT was his notice. Now to me, that's a pretty fucked up spot to be in. I basically told her that there's nothing wrong with wanting to help a friend, but at some point you gotta start thinking about your own welfare. The shit that he was asking of her (and his family, who I think was just pawning him off on her), was extremely unfair and selfish, which I also told her. Yeah, while I did want her to choose me, I also wanted to her to figure out what was in her own best interest, whether that was me or not. Luckily for me, she decided to give him his notice to leave. While I'm glad it works out in my favor, it sucks that she had to be in that situation in the first place.
So, that means I'll be starting the moving out process soon. I'll be packing pretty light, just bringing my bedroom set with me. Everything else, I'll probably just have Goodwill pick that stuff up or something. The one bad thing out of it, I'll have to find one of my dogs a new home. It'll be my oldest one, Yuki. Having two different herding breads in her (Blue Heeler/Catahoula), she's far too alert and high strung for an apartment. I hate having to let her go, especially because I've had her for so long, but it's the best thing for her. I hopefully find something for her before the month is over, otherwise I'll have to take her to a shelter, the worst case scenario.
I guess the good thing about this is that I'll have more extra money. Among other reasons, it means that I can reestablish my social life again. It's been a VERY rough 12 months, as I've mentioned before, and my social life is one of the things that I've lost over that time. I wasn't getting out that much before due to working weekends, but I still found time every now and then. It'll help for me to get to blow off some steam after so long. Hell, while I'm at it, it would probably be nice to get laid too. It's been a little over a year since that's happened, and a little longer than that since I've been on a date. Not that I'm in a rush for either at the moment, surprisingly. But considering how long it's been, for everything, it would be nice.
So, it's been 8 days, and my neck is feeling a lot better. It's still pretty stiff though, but definitely improved since yesterday. But on top of that, my bad right shoulder decided to go to shit last Friday, and has been that way throughout my work week. Feels a little better now, but I'll still be stopping by my chiropractor tomorrow to get it fixed, and hopefully get a proper pop out of my neck now that it's improved. Damn injuries killed my workout routine. I think I'll try to get it started again later today, maybe getting the blood flowing will help with the healing process a little more.
I should REALLY stop watching Law & Order: SVU. That almost always leaves me either disturbed or pissed off, but I can't get enough of it. That's my random thought for the day.
Well, it's my Saturday. Time for some much needed ass-sitting time. So folks, I leave you with this random little gem:
Until my next blog folks...
p.s. I could probably use some more friends on my list. I've never been much of a mass friend adder though...
Now, I know that sounds bad, but let me explain. The roommate, her "best friend", had her in a very unstable situation. Besides past issues which I won't mention, he is looking at his third drug charge, and was considering leaving the state to escape it. He told her that he didn't plan on staying, so she started her own roommate search, and we talked about it and decided that we'd go through with it. The problem came when he begged her not to take in a new roommate until after he was gone, which he wasn't sure when he would be because he hadn't figured out where he was going yet. And his parents pretty much begged her too, saying that they'd pay his rent for him and all that. This put her in a bad spot. She told him that he needed to at least give her a 2 week notice so that she could plan accordingly. He said he wouldn't do that, but that he was definitely leaving at some point, and THAT was his notice. Now to me, that's a pretty fucked up spot to be in. I basically told her that there's nothing wrong with wanting to help a friend, but at some point you gotta start thinking about your own welfare. The shit that he was asking of her (and his family, who I think was just pawning him off on her), was extremely unfair and selfish, which I also told her. Yeah, while I did want her to choose me, I also wanted to her to figure out what was in her own best interest, whether that was me or not. Luckily for me, she decided to give him his notice to leave. While I'm glad it works out in my favor, it sucks that she had to be in that situation in the first place.
So, that means I'll be starting the moving out process soon. I'll be packing pretty light, just bringing my bedroom set with me. Everything else, I'll probably just have Goodwill pick that stuff up or something. The one bad thing out of it, I'll have to find one of my dogs a new home. It'll be my oldest one, Yuki. Having two different herding breads in her (Blue Heeler/Catahoula), she's far too alert and high strung for an apartment. I hate having to let her go, especially because I've had her for so long, but it's the best thing for her. I hopefully find something for her before the month is over, otherwise I'll have to take her to a shelter, the worst case scenario.
I guess the good thing about this is that I'll have more extra money. Among other reasons, it means that I can reestablish my social life again. It's been a VERY rough 12 months, as I've mentioned before, and my social life is one of the things that I've lost over that time. I wasn't getting out that much before due to working weekends, but I still found time every now and then. It'll help for me to get to blow off some steam after so long. Hell, while I'm at it, it would probably be nice to get laid too. It's been a little over a year since that's happened, and a little longer than that since I've been on a date. Not that I'm in a rush for either at the moment, surprisingly. But considering how long it's been, for everything, it would be nice.
So, it's been 8 days, and my neck is feeling a lot better. It's still pretty stiff though, but definitely improved since yesterday. But on top of that, my bad right shoulder decided to go to shit last Friday, and has been that way throughout my work week. Feels a little better now, but I'll still be stopping by my chiropractor tomorrow to get it fixed, and hopefully get a proper pop out of my neck now that it's improved. Damn injuries killed my workout routine. I think I'll try to get it started again later today, maybe getting the blood flowing will help with the healing process a little more.
I should REALLY stop watching Law & Order: SVU. That almost always leaves me either disturbed or pissed off, but I can't get enough of it. That's my random thought for the day.
Well, it's my Saturday. Time for some much needed ass-sitting time. So folks, I leave you with this random little gem:
Until my next blog folks...
p.s. I could probably use some more friends on my list. I've never been much of a mass friend adder though...