Well, some bad news. The new roommate isn't gonna happen, and never was. It was a pretty old scam that I was stupid enough to fall for. Basically, they email you, sounding nice and legit, and then send you a check that's worth far more than what you asked for, and ask you to send the excess amount to a certain place (a travel agent in my case). Turns out that the check is counterfeit, and most banks take up to 3 weeks to find out, and when they do the amount comes out of your account. In my case, the bank caught it early, keeping me from being nearly $3,000 over my limit. Unfortunately, that completely kills all of the plans I had for this week, and it means that I now have 10 days to find a real roommate. If it isn't one thing, it's always another. It would be nice for things to go right for just a few months. This also hurts all of the plans that I had going for the next couple of months, minor things I've spent the past few months trying to deal with, but haven't because of my circumstances. There's one plan in particular that I plan on keeping on track though, even if I gotta push the other ones aside (someone knows what that is
Well, it's my Sunday, April 20th. So, I leave you folks with this...

Well, it's my Sunday, April 20th. So, I leave you folks with this...
***HUGS*** Im sorry love....I know it'll have to get better.....their is no other place to go but up !
Thank you Peachy, but please don't say that. Whenever someone says something like "Things can't get any worse", life tends to take it as a challenge.