Well, it's been a couple of days, had some time to cool off and think things through. I understand and sympathize with my roommate's situation. But that doesn't change things. Bottom line is that she can't keep up with the bills and rent. She owed me $350 for rent and $175 for the bills, and was only able to pay me $150, which means right now she owes me $475. She says that she'll pay me on the 8th, and at the moment I believe her. But at this point it doesn't change my mind about things. I can't deal with the inconsistencies of her payments. I'm already behind on my own personal expenses, and I can't let it go further. I let it slide last month, since February was a weird month for everyone. But along with starting trouble with the neighbor and arguing over the bills (and messing with my computer, petty, I know), it's enough of a pattern to know that this arrangement isn't going to work. I need a roommate who can come up with the bills within at least a week of me asking for them, and she's just not capable of it. Unfortunately for me, I have to wait all the way until the 8th to get my money. After that, I'm giving her a 30 day notice, whether I get my money or not. I really hate to be in a position to have to kick out a woman and her kid, but if I don't then we'll both be in trouble. She hasn't talked to me since Saturday night, I think she thinks that her time might be up, and she knows that I'm not happy about the money. And it doesn't help that my two days off fall on Spring Break, the same week that she won't be working. The next two weeks are going to be VERY awkward...
Moving on...
It's been a rough week. Saturday I came down with the realization that I'm really miserable at my job. It's not the work, it's not even the bullshit that goes with it (well, sort of), it's the fact that I'm not even making enough money to deal with all of the shit. Even at my old job, I may have been busting my ass and stressing over the b.s. that came with it, but at least I was making more than enough money that made it easier at the end of the week. Funny though, just as I was thinking this after getting off work, I get a call from my cousin, who I haven't talked to in years. He let me know about an opportunity in Arkansas, which would pay $20-25 an hour. He's suppose to be sending me more info on this soon, so hopefully it works out. I never considered having to make a drive to Arkansas for work, but I'm willing to go for it if it helps make things easier. And it'll make an upcoming future plan a LOT easier, but that's a story for another day (although someone already knows what it is
It finally cooled down out here, and I'm fucking glad. My AC has been busted for months, and it's been over 80 degrees in my house every day, and it's good to finally feel normal in my own home. I was gonna have the AC fixed this week, but do to the circumstances mentioned above, I'll have to postpone it for another couple of weeks. That doesn't make me happy, because it's suppose to get hot in a couple of days again.
I'm finally getting back into the habit of working out. I really need to break that old on-again-off-again routine. I gotta try to it this up, cause I am SEVERELY out of shape. The only thing I'm kind of worried about is running, because the humidity is starting to pick up, and the mosquitoes are out again. I'll get it though, and I guess I'll have a good excuse to take more pictures of my progress.
It's my Friday, so I feel I need to start my weekend off epically...
Update: Talked to the landlord, and it turns out that I don't have to wait 30 days to kick her out, since she's not on the lease. But, I still plan to give her some time to find a place, because I'm not the kind of bastard that would throw a woman and child on the street.
Moving on...
It's been a rough week. Saturday I came down with the realization that I'm really miserable at my job. It's not the work, it's not even the bullshit that goes with it (well, sort of), it's the fact that I'm not even making enough money to deal with all of the shit. Even at my old job, I may have been busting my ass and stressing over the b.s. that came with it, but at least I was making more than enough money that made it easier at the end of the week. Funny though, just as I was thinking this after getting off work, I get a call from my cousin, who I haven't talked to in years. He let me know about an opportunity in Arkansas, which would pay $20-25 an hour. He's suppose to be sending me more info on this soon, so hopefully it works out. I never considered having to make a drive to Arkansas for work, but I'm willing to go for it if it helps make things easier. And it'll make an upcoming future plan a LOT easier, but that's a story for another day (although someone already knows what it is

It finally cooled down out here, and I'm fucking glad. My AC has been busted for months, and it's been over 80 degrees in my house every day, and it's good to finally feel normal in my own home. I was gonna have the AC fixed this week, but do to the circumstances mentioned above, I'll have to postpone it for another couple of weeks. That doesn't make me happy, because it's suppose to get hot in a couple of days again.
I'm finally getting back into the habit of working out. I really need to break that old on-again-off-again routine. I gotta try to it this up, cause I am SEVERELY out of shape. The only thing I'm kind of worried about is running, because the humidity is starting to pick up, and the mosquitoes are out again. I'll get it though, and I guess I'll have a good excuse to take more pictures of my progress.
It's my Friday, so I feel I need to start my weekend off epically...
Update: Talked to the landlord, and it turns out that I don't have to wait 30 days to kick her out, since she's not on the lease. But, I still plan to give her some time to find a place, because I'm not the kind of bastard that would throw a woman and child on the street.
and you are a gentleman for not wanting to toss them out, but you do have to draw the line somewhere.
I hope that job works out for you! Sounds like some pretty awesome starting pay.
And yeah, I'd rather not just throw them out like that, but she forced my hand. It's gonna be hard breaking the news to her, and it's gonna be even harder waiting for the money she owes me before I even get to break that news.
Enough about me, how have you been? I know you've had a very long, very interesting week.