Well this is nice, I just got FUCKED on my rent and bills. I've about had it with this roommate. Fuck it, I'm gonna wait until she gives me the rest of my money, and then give her a 30 day notice. I've been sympathetic long enough. I'm tired of pushing back my own personal expenses because her work situation is inconsistent. It's bad enough that I'm not making what I'm use to making, but I can at least keep up my half, and more. I'm done with it.
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
So, bigs changes have happened in a very short amount of time. I'll … -
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Well, I'm offically 31. Like last year, it's not really the age that… -
Saturday Jul 28, 2012
8 more days... -
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
So in 18 days I'll be 31. Yeah... -
Friday Apr 20, 2012
Happy 420 all you filthy hippies. -
Wednesday Nov 16, 2011
Read More -
Friday Aug 19, 2011
Well, I've been 30 for two weeks now. I guess I don't feel much diff… -
Friday Aug 05, 2011
Well, today's the day. Good bye to my 20's, we had fun while it last… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2011
One more day. Well, youth, you were fun while you lasted. -
Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
2 more to go...