So, yesterday I made the decision that I was not going to work today. As much as I hate to miss hours, I', about tired of being the only one that comes in to work consistently, being left to pick up the slack of those that constantly find excuses to not in come. So fuck it, this is my 3 day weekend. Anyway, this has been my day to catch up on sleep, run a few errands, and post a few new pics (some being my attempt to look fly, lol). Beyond that, this is my lazy day. I think I've earned it.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 02, 2011
3 more days... -
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
5 more days until Armageddon. -
Friday Jul 29, 2011
I made a mathematical error yesterday. In 7 days from TODAY, I hit 3… -
Thursday Jul 28, 2011
Well, in 7 days, I turn 30. Yeah... -
Monday Jul 04, 2011
Well, it's a little over a month in the new place. Things have gone … -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
So it's officially been two weeks since moving to the new place. Thi… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
So, here I am, posting from my new place. It's been a LONG day, and … -
Tuesday May 24, 2011
Some good news: My neck is FINALLY better. Well, sort of, but a lot… -
Tuesday May 17, 2011
Well, things look like they might be improving for once. As I mentio… -
Saturday May 07, 2011
They say bad things happen in threes. Well, from my experience, that…