Many thanks to Jonas, found Art Prostitute through the SG and supported the cause. We start production of the second issue on the 23rd. SG fans look out as there will be some extras from the folks at the SG packaged in our sleeve, and don't forget about that back page ad of there's. Lots of people have checked out this site through our web ads and have come back and said, "dude you guys advertise naked chicks on your site! My wife caught me lookin' but I told her it was off this art magazine site my friends produce, so I don't consider it porn." Damn straight 'cause naked ladies like these are the best kind around. I am sick of the barbie doll rejects comin' off the style assembly line. How could you not advertise this revolution, if all pornography (I use that term lightly) made this turn we'd have a lot of happier people. At least they'd be less pent up. So big ups to the Suicide Girls. I'm out.