Heres another reason why peer-edits suck.
On one we did a couple of weeks ago, this girl writes something to effect that that paper didnt sound like my previous ones. That and a slightly faulty point of view gets me accused of plagiarism.
Which is especially annoying because the individual who left the comment isnt exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Also, it amazes me that an English prof sees someone write in a different style and suspects plagiarism.
So, Teach puts it through the plagiarism meat-grinder and it comes up clean. I know I shouldnt take it personally, but I cant help but mildly insulted
On one we did a couple of weeks ago, this girl writes something to effect that that paper didnt sound like my previous ones. That and a slightly faulty point of view gets me accused of plagiarism.

So, Teach puts it through the plagiarism meat-grinder and it comes up clean. I know I shouldnt take it personally, but I cant help but mildly insulted

Perhaps the next paper to be turned in should be on the literary value of experimenting with different writing styles. Add a dedication to the professor and thank him for motivating you to be a more unpredictable writer as to make an example that it is harshly and needlessly ignorant to make accusations in the face of expanded creativity.
So now you know.