Sunday Jan 15, 2006 Jan 15, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 22 of 22 COMMENTS elizagirl: oh jeebus, that is not funny to even JOKE about! So. Pool? Beer? Outing? Us? Captevil? Yes? Other things followed by a question mark without forming complete sentences? Jan 23, 2006 elizagirl: I don't know! The world is our oyster! The sky is the limit! Something else inspirational! I vote we play some pool at the 'Cock, then meander down to Evo for good drunken times...or a pub, instead....your input, por favor? And who else might be interested besides you, me, and captevil? Jan 23, 2006
So. Pool? Beer? Outing? Us? Captevil? Yes? Other things followed by a question mark without forming complete sentences?
I vote we play some pool at the 'Cock, then meander down to Evo for good drunken times...or a pub, instead....your input, por favor?
And who else might be interested besides you, me, and captevil?