(from one of my favorite tumblr blogs, London Shop Fronts)
hey peoples.
a good weekend is afoot already. thursday found the girl and i swaying in Kuma's like usual sharing laughs and stories with new and old friends. thus i muddled through a busy workday friday with very little sleep.
last night went with a couple friends to see a play, an adaptation of Little Brother, one of the best and most subversive young-adult books i've ever read. the play was not fantastic, but it was still kind of cool that it had been done.
went to Lincoln Tap Room afterward for some drinks (Hofbrau in frosty mugs, yes!), and then had the night inadvertently extended when David Yow wandered in! this lead to me texting folks i knew that had seen the Jesus Lizard set at Pitchfork earlier in the evening, and so more folks converged on the bar. fun times. and Yow was LOADED when we left, but maintained a very firm handshake.

then i passed out on the couch watching Fright Night.
re-assembling myself now to meet up w/ FritzKD for beers and trouble-making before hitting Subterranean to see goddamn Harvey Milk(!), Torche and Young Widows tonight...
But hey, so long as I never have to actually meet the guy, I'll just be sure to steer clear of the otherwise civilized conversations that may catch his attention.