not really, you know... but i thought it was funny and apropos. Somewhere in Time might be my favorite record of the Dickinson era - plus i've been on one of those twin-guitar harmony kicks lately.
no basketball on tonight, so i'm not sure what i'm going to do. maybe i'll walk up to the Bennigan's on the corner and get drunk using the wad of per diem money i got handed today.
or, maybe not.
today was pretty cool - spent some time in the Sound Lab where they master stuff, and i was spellbound by the sexy rooms filled with even sexier sound equipment and gadgetry. it's a funny little wing of the building that looks so different from everywhere else, just a crew of about 8 guys that kind of have their own world over there.
i am also discovering that while i knew a hefty percentage of the employees of this company are musicians themselves, i hadn't really thought about the fact that a good number of them would be musicians whose glory days (as they were) are behind them - i sat amidst a right funny group of middle aged longhairs for a while today shooting the shit about when their bands used to tour and such - great stuff, funny stories. i hope i get a night or two out drinking with some of these cats before i head back home...
what's up with y'all?
Im done with about 50% of the essay and its supposed to be turned in on Friday, needless to say I will soon be in deep shit.