Afros and airshows.
I finished school today, eight of the most stressful and useless weeks of the last two years, my final exam was three hours long and it took the whole time to finish that 100 question, multiple choice bugger. It feels odd to not have a book pressed up in my face or urgent homework to ignore. I'm treating myself to curried chicken and potatoes later on, sometimes you just have to pamper yourself.
I've been reading alot on the history of war and how conflict developed throughtout the last thousand years in Europe and the newly minted U.S.A. and two things stood out to me. One is that from the time humans could record their history warfare has been a more "normal" state than peace, sounds strange to say but it's very accurate, the idea of peace is it seems an anomoly. This plays towards my feeling that homo sapiens on a whole are no different from our animal brethern, except in one way: we are cursed with a special awareness of the consequences of our actions. Meaning we don't live under the shelter of ignorance and will therefore never be truly content with a full belly and warm place to sleep. The other point was how during the struggle for independence the Continential American Army completely changed the way in which armed conflict was conducted by developing partisan/guerilla/insurgent tactics to compete the the better disiplined, outfitted, and manned British forces. And at the current point in time the American forces in Iraq are completely befuddled by the style of war they developed. Sometimes the lessons forgotten are the most painful.
Oh and I got a haircut today too, the academic fro is now a thing of the past. Goodnight sweet prince.
Well I'm spent, it's been a big day and I'm completely unsure of what to do with myself now that my homework regime is over, adios.
I finished school today, eight of the most stressful and useless weeks of the last two years, my final exam was three hours long and it took the whole time to finish that 100 question, multiple choice bugger. It feels odd to not have a book pressed up in my face or urgent homework to ignore. I'm treating myself to curried chicken and potatoes later on, sometimes you just have to pamper yourself.
I've been reading alot on the history of war and how conflict developed throughtout the last thousand years in Europe and the newly minted U.S.A. and two things stood out to me. One is that from the time humans could record their history warfare has been a more "normal" state than peace, sounds strange to say but it's very accurate, the idea of peace is it seems an anomoly. This plays towards my feeling that homo sapiens on a whole are no different from our animal brethern, except in one way: we are cursed with a special awareness of the consequences of our actions. Meaning we don't live under the shelter of ignorance and will therefore never be truly content with a full belly and warm place to sleep. The other point was how during the struggle for independence the Continential American Army completely changed the way in which armed conflict was conducted by developing partisan/guerilla/insurgent tactics to compete the the better disiplined, outfitted, and manned British forces. And at the current point in time the American forces in Iraq are completely befuddled by the style of war they developed. Sometimes the lessons forgotten are the most painful.
Oh and I got a haircut today too, the academic fro is now a thing of the past. Goodnight sweet prince.
Well I'm spent, it's been a big day and I'm completely unsure of what to do with myself now that my homework regime is over, adios.
krrr-ke, prrrdt prrrrrrrrrrrrt eee-erh, lick lick lick
oh my god, literally ten minutes ago i was quoting that exact quote to my roommate! incredible!