A life lacking pain, anguish, and torment, is also an existence devoid of the sweetests flavors. I think sometimes we all let our desires for what we want to run wild, taking us from the cold yet undeniable reality of the universe that everything changes and we not grow complacent in what we have now. The most incredible wisdom I have ever recieved was that my life was insignificant and that death could call on me at anytime, it must sound terribly morbid but after several years of thought I find it quite freeing. Rather than fighting against the currents of fate to save some self-invented concept of importance, I now drift with the tides and accept what life has to offer for the simple fact is that I may not be around tomorrow to enjoy the simple pleasures this world has to offer. Sometimes in order to overcome we must surrender.
Thank you to everyone that commented on my last blog, your words and thoughts helped me turn from the darkness to face the light, I'm in your service.
Using my mind-taking powers I've implanted myself in your keyboard and am now having sex with your fingertips, and I know you like it 'cause I can see you smiling.