Stepping back to move in...
The retreat, tactical withdrawal...running away all have a negative conotation in North American society, the proverbial coward that refuses battle for whatever reason is either redeemed by later courage or killed like a dog. However the husbanding of ones forces (be them armies or emotions) is a very critial step to gaining ground and/or achieving goals, for example rebel leader Cao Cao in the Three Kingdom era of what is now China proved that a calculated retreat can be a decicive factor in victory (you can read about his exploits here). On the other side of that sword is Adolph Hitler, a man touted for his "supposed" military genius on the obilteration of Europe's defences, however look at his reaction to the Allied invasion: "Give no ground and fight to the last." Look where refusal to address reality and withdraw got him, dead (for the greater good of course). Everyone out there has problems, issues, and dilemmas, and sometimes they're overwhelming, what can you do? Take a step back and examine what ever it is with a dispassionate eye, find the flaws and other weaknesses, then step forward again and attack with redoubled fury. Much akin to the taoist principle of "Small loss small gain, large loss large gain."

"May death come quickly to your enemies!" Morvo the News Monster
The retreat, tactical withdrawal...running away all have a negative conotation in North American society, the proverbial coward that refuses battle for whatever reason is either redeemed by later courage or killed like a dog. However the husbanding of ones forces (be them armies or emotions) is a very critial step to gaining ground and/or achieving goals, for example rebel leader Cao Cao in the Three Kingdom era of what is now China proved that a calculated retreat can be a decicive factor in victory (you can read about his exploits here). On the other side of that sword is Adolph Hitler, a man touted for his "supposed" military genius on the obilteration of Europe's defences, however look at his reaction to the Allied invasion: "Give no ground and fight to the last." Look where refusal to address reality and withdraw got him, dead (for the greater good of course). Everyone out there has problems, issues, and dilemmas, and sometimes they're overwhelming, what can you do? Take a step back and examine what ever it is with a dispassionate eye, find the flaws and other weaknesses, then step forward again and attack with redoubled fury. Much akin to the taoist principle of "Small loss small gain, large loss large gain."

"May death come quickly to your enemies!" Morvo the News Monster
I'm a pharmacy tech.