Why is equality so important? Of course two of anything added to two of anything else must be four somethings, and the basis of building is an equal plane, but why do we has humans seek to create an unnatural equality in society? We are in no conceivable way all born equal, no one is just as good as anyone else in everything they doespecially when nature has gotten on so well in the exact opposite orientation? The ocean feels no remorse for drowning one and not the other, the mighty polar bear I'm sure incurs no bad feelings while devouring the seal, it's competition in its rawest form that produces progress. So why have we stopped competing? Why is sweat, agony, and pain rewarded with the same accolades as slothis it a supreme example of altruism penetrating into our daily activities or is it simply because everyone is "created equal" and therefore it's incomprehensible that one could possibly be better than another? I've observed that success in the animal kingdom is an uneven mix of good genes, good instincts, and luck. But how can success be defined in civilized society when everyone is bathed in the sweet oil of equality, and that means failure is not an option as success is actually normality?

But no one is equal. Their is the rich and the poor. The fat and the thin. The pretty and the ugly. It's impossible to have equality when everyone and culture is so diverse. But it is important to strive for equality in some aspects, especially when it comes to human rights. Hmmm I guess maybe that's what really matters to strive for the equality rather than to just expect it.
thanks you, and yeah in real life who knows, but i am planning on spiderman kicking some ass