The hundredth monkey effect, if this were perchance true then we're all fucked. The zombies, using the uprising robots as muscle, will take full advantage of the new leaps in simian culture. Soon after the newly "enhanced" monkeys assassinate all the housepets and worm their way into our favor, they will compromise the plans for "WZD's" (weapons of zombie destruction) and leave us helpless before hoards of undead/robots/tiger-bots. Of course the Terminators and Mexican Lucha Wrestlers, who've been on the fence the entire time wating for one side to emerge as stronger, will be forced into action for the remaing humans as the two groups if left to their own devices would acomplish virtually nothing (Sarah and John Connor already being dead and wrestlings fanbase being reduced to single digit percentages). The undead/mechanical forces only hope would rest on the pointy shoulders of Emory and Oglethorpe (the plutonoians) and their armies of the night...are you ready for the storm???

Looks like an intesting read.

Looks like an intesting read.
But I'm very allergic to lawn. And cemeteries have grass everywhere.
Have a great day!