I would like to introduce you all to a pair of close personal aquantices of mine. The one on the left (with his arms at his sides) is Jesse and the strapping fellow to his left is Big Rig (or BR). They're an interesting twosome as far as individuals go, both being insurance claims investigators and having a slight obsession with foosball, however at this early juncture the similarties cease. Jesse dons a face of youthful optimism for his daily ventures despite the fact that he holds almost everything in contempt, but he has found it easier to hide behind false enthusiasm as opposed to explaining to everyone he meets as to why he is so dissatisfied with his surroundings. On the other leg BR has no firm feelings on his niche one way or the other, rather trying to decide if he himself is right for his time.
Now these two are not an odd-couple, nor gay, or even living in the same space, but rather like some cosmic equasion has balanced out and chosen this set of people to interact, filling some type intangible function. BR has been seeing a woman for two years in which they've make and broken several nuptuial engagements, the relationship being convient rather than strained. Jesse likes female of the species, and although has no inherient fear of them aviods entanglements to preserve his personality feeling that he could be revamped beyond his own recognition.
The working dynamic between the two is somewhat comparable to lego, they don't compliment each other so much as build on one another. Each one left to his own devices will acomplish very little and even that molecule of effort is suspect, but when brainstroming erupts from one to the other they could both be comparble to 3/4 of any living genius. And of course each one believes he is the catalyst for the other and feels a role of big brother to guide his less gifted compainion, leading to excessive amounts of friction and fisticuffs. The shock is that now matter how bad the humiliation dealt from one side to the other (or beating) they both seem determined to prove whose the better man by handling what the other "dishes-out".
Perhaps we'll be privy to further disadventures.
ACTUALLY... I had a fish die, belly up and all, and I refused to give in, and put him back in his bowl and came back to life. Lived for a few good months after that until I naively cleaned his bowl with soap. Phosphorus kills fish apparently...

Rest in peace, Jesse & Big Rig