Can absolution ever be attained within the soul that weilds sin? Do our actions set a course towards self depreciation that our inherient nature only seeks to acclerate or is this a unique individual aspect seeking to achieve "betterment" through self-mutilation, distilling the essence prior to death for some type of purity? Heavy treading I know, but these and others of the ilk have made their lodging known in my brain as of late. Went to a halloween party hosted by asitcomestome and ian23 and a good time was had by all, notable highlights were:
-Four unnamed females on the threshold of a "who's got the largest breasts" contest.
-Finding out Brock Samson lived in my hometown.
-Watching marvel do some self promoting (ask her ).
-Meeting an actress that questioned why I was wearing Yoda on my back "when he walked in all the movies?" I was Dagobah Luke hence the decoration. What a stupid girl.
When the pinnacle of all that is man rises up with his boomstick to do battle with superhero zombies I take notice, so should you.
-Four unnamed females on the threshold of a "who's got the largest breasts" contest.
-Finding out Brock Samson lived in my hometown.
-Watching marvel do some self promoting (ask her ).
-Meeting an actress that questioned why I was wearing Yoda on my back "when he walked in all the movies?" I was Dagobah Luke hence the decoration. What a stupid girl.
When the pinnacle of all that is man rises up with his boomstick to do battle with superhero zombies I take notice, so should you.
Just ignore that remark...
Have a great day!