What a night, fixed my toliet , watched Venture Brothers (smartest cartoon ever), and had pizza. Like Trisha Jones said in Mallrats "men are easily amused". I 'm gonna say it: cheese is the biggest scam out there, my brother started ordering pizza without cheese a few years back and I thought nothing of it. However a few months back after developing asthma from working in an old building I resolved to go dairy free. Well pizza topping wihtout cheese is like an orgy in your mouth but with food. I'm going back to my home town on the weekend, it's been almost eight years since I've returned, I hope all the losers I hated are gone. And I'm going to pick out a grave plot, I want it facing Kooteny Lake, possibly with a weeping willow tree nearby. I'll discuss my aspirations further in the group (anyone interested in death-anything check "the embalming room" in community and culture).
This is my brother in his first two-page ad in Transworld SKATEboarding, engaging in danger.
This is my brother in his first two-page ad in Transworld SKATEboarding, engaging in danger.
Thank You for making me smarter