With the release of the classic Star Wars on DVD I felt a need for confession. I'm a huge SW geek, and I bet right now your saying "well you don't have it listed in your fave movie section.", but at this point in time it's safe to assume that eveyone has some place in their anatomy for SW (if you want to test check my picture section, or if you are real brave go to SuicideBoys) . So here I go; Episode I & II both sucked dead bear, I can't even watch those films anymore due to how damn disjointed the are in aspects of story arc, character building, fore-shawdowing, and of course Jar-Jar. Now to all the apologists and the rationalizers out there: just because something is SW does not make it the end-all be-all of cinema. Don't be over-awed by a name, demand better
One day I'm going to be a Fancy Lad.
One day I'm going to be a Fancy Lad.
Wanna buy a monkey?