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Saturday September 17th, 10:00 am
Neutral Vibes (haha..vibes)
I haven't shot a set in almost three years and the lovely Miri was such a joy to work with. I am so happy to finally be naked for all of you yet again.
*******Blog written in the key of Rush********
I did in fact return to Albuquerque following the epic debauchery that was Hell City-only to find my computer is so chock full of pictures of past depravity that I had no room to load my new ones. So give me some time (I know, I know "We've given you enough!") and I will deliver them to you post haste.
In the meantime I stole some pictures from other Hell City pals and will share some of those right fuckin' now.
The last time I "did" an illegal substance known as "mary jane" I watched this video and almost lost my mind
In my defense, I ate like three cookies full of the stuff and hadn't smoked in five years prior. I also ate an entire bag of Honey Nut Cheerios (dry) that day. So my heart is healthy. Probably.
New Mexico is getting cooler. This kid (points thumbs at self) is pretty stoked.
(Warning: Image does not represent how I feel about Fall in any way.)
Okay I am done for now but stay tuned and please show my new set some love when it hits Member Review!
Imma go 'head and dip for now. (I just learned that word, "dip". Gangsta.)