The last two weeks have been full to the brim with events and happenings. Lucky for ya'll I carry a camera with me throughout my wanderings.
Caution: Blog may cause drowsiness, extreme confusion, and possibly erections depending on what you're into.
The New Mexico State Fair. Enough said. Moving on. Keeding, keeding. No but really, this year's fair was everything you would expect from the 505, complete with the State Fair Rodeo Queen riding around on a golf cart handing out coupons for free Copenhagen. Only this year there was an extreme emphasis on the environment. Hahaha....New Mex-eco....See Photos
Some of the food was good....but if you're concerned about your figure, best to stay far from it. The fumes have calories. Even some of the pictures of food were fattening.
In any case I made the fatal mistake of eating, boozing and jumping on faulty, rickety amusement park rides. Luckily my stomach is made of steel and my bones remained intact.
Things to make you snort beer:
When the sun went down everything looked super rad.
I had fun.
That Sunday was the Steeler/Eagles game. I drank a lot. God damn offensive line.
Monday couldn't come sooner.
That Thursday my good friends came into town to rock a fair few faces off. They play in a band called Good With Grenades from Phoenix, AZ. They're good people. They played their show:
Here's the original:
Fucking good times.
Busy week. Usually I just stay home. Out in the country.
I consider myself so fortunate to grow up in a small town in the country. Where everybody knows everybody. And boys say "Yes ma'am" and "No ma'am" and open doors for the women. When I wave to people while driving in the city people assume I'm flipping them off. I like being able to look up and see a blanket of stars, sans smog. Clear blue skies.
Oh and happenings such as this:
What do you like most about where you grew up?
Okay I've been in a towel for about two hours....gotta skidaddle.