Happy 420 Day , my little stoner friends. Toke em if ya got em!
Busy week this week. Practice last night was good. We went over some last minute details about the strategies we plan to use against the teams we are about to play this weekend, in Montreal. I feel good about it.
We leave Friday morning ...... 20 derby girls on a 8 hour bus ride EEEEEEK
My body is ready, rehabbed anything that was bugging me, been doing circuit training for endurance, and some light weights for my shoulders and my quads (thanks tunnelvision for lighting that fire under my ass). I have studied the rules, worked out scenarios and strategies....I am getting my gear in order today , changing wheels and such and am hydrating. ALL READY TO KICK ASS

This is my kicking ass face hahahahah
In other news, I met this little 21 year old honey at the tattoo shop the other day. She is getting some wicked work from my tattoo guy. She looks 15 so this seems gross hahah but she is SOO cute , youngin's aren't usually my bag , but she dirty talks me in FB chat and she seems experienced and fun hahahah SO I might meet up with her tonight. I am such a slut.
My outline that I got Sunday night makes me SMILE

The peacock is the attention whore of the bird world, me thinks

I never understood the newbies that brought a flock of people in with them to annoy everyone.
Not much else is going on, the kids are good. Evie is funny as hell lately , Ozzy is a trick riding BMX fool (ps older BMXers LOVE seeing this little 4 year old jump the same jumps they do hahah) and Desi is still a playa, all the honeys after him hahahah like his Ma

The husband is almost done the Cafe Racer he is building, the seat is made and he just has to reassemble, when he takes pics I will post them. The bike is unrecognizable from when we bought it. He has 2 other cars lined up for work but still trying to get the owner of our new space to clear shit out so we can get the guys to put in the hoist.
In the meantime, he is at a job interview today from an architecture firm .....They do modern metal sculpture pieces for store fronts , and they also do futuristic POD type dwellings for trade shows. Its kinda weird, but we are just gonna see what they have to offer us. They think my Man's design work with bikes and hotrods and his fabricating/ welding skills will translate well to what they need. We only care about the $ hahahaha...we have our own shop thing going on , but will step away or scale it down for huge $, but not for anything less than that..
That's that, family shit, tattoo fun, chasing girls, and kicking ass in derby......
My life is alright , you know?

OK...so i was lighting one up anyway....but i did think of you whilst i smoked it.
oh I'll knock you over all right.