so long since my last post but icky sickness is rampant in our abode as of late AND I enjoyed some of my last comments so much I didn't wanna get rid of them.
I have been on other sites lately but when I log on here I feel like I popped into the local pub where I can be myself and josh with some mates. I have always been myself here and honest and have made wicked friends that I respect and crush other parenting sites I check out are so lame and fake. I like that I can be real here, there was actually a hot thread in my local mommy online thing about this mom thought she was so bad because she yelled at her 5 y/o once, posts poured in and no one laughed at her , even once. I mean , come on..I am only human and I love and nurtue my kids too but lets not get all crazy and call social services if I lose my patience once...ppl were scloding her and being all huggy to her because she felt so bad , its not like she was Alec Baldwin or anything! hahah
Ozzy got the flu first , bad, then Evie now its Dad and I, plus I have stomache flu AND a cold and I have no one to help with the kids so mostly I have been laying on the floor with them alot all fevery and sick and they think I am there to wrestle with and crawl over so..its been ummm hell (pukey AND poopy sheets suck to wash when you wanna vomit anyway...TMI I know!)
Soccer went well kinda. Ozzy is too young to play and Desi is on Alice's team (his gf and daughter of mom I dislike)...He enjoyed it I think but spend most of his time in the middle of the field necking with her and hugging her that he missed the ball...Watching 4 year olds play a team sport is just damn funny...
thats all folks , I will try to get inventive and more creative later in the next update when I am not feeling like I wanna die
I have been on other sites lately but when I log on here I feel like I popped into the local pub where I can be myself and josh with some mates. I have always been myself here and honest and have made wicked friends that I respect and crush other parenting sites I check out are so lame and fake. I like that I can be real here, there was actually a hot thread in my local mommy online thing about this mom thought she was so bad because she yelled at her 5 y/o once, posts poured in and no one laughed at her , even once. I mean , come on..I am only human and I love and nurtue my kids too but lets not get all crazy and call social services if I lose my patience once...ppl were scloding her and being all huggy to her because she felt so bad , its not like she was Alec Baldwin or anything! hahah
Ozzy got the flu first , bad, then Evie now its Dad and I, plus I have stomache flu AND a cold and I have no one to help with the kids so mostly I have been laying on the floor with them alot all fevery and sick and they think I am there to wrestle with and crawl over so..its been ummm hell (pukey AND poopy sheets suck to wash when you wanna vomit anyway...TMI I know!)
Soccer went well kinda. Ozzy is too young to play and Desi is on Alice's team (his gf and daughter of mom I dislike)...He enjoyed it I think but spend most of his time in the middle of the field necking with her and hugging her that he missed the ball...Watching 4 year olds play a team sport is just damn funny...
thats all folks , I will try to get inventive and more creative later in the next update when I am not feeling like I wanna die