The girl Du Jour in the mulitiple set today has pierced cheek like me. I've had mine for ten years now and always meant to do other side but think now that I never will...too long to heal, piercings are annoying to me now because they s.l.o.w.l.y...heal compared to what if they turned out not even? That would make me MENTAL
BUT..well, I was living in Saskatchewan..I hated it so much..I was becoming a shut in..then I found SG and found members from Regina, they were awesome, we became friends and they introduced me to alot of people and fun things to do in I consider SG not only as a fun little site but a very important part of my life (especially at that time) so when I get to the point I have to explain my sg tat to a nurse giving me a sponge bath I will look back on those people and the others I have met and will meet and remember good times.
I find tattoo's distracting too...but in a very very good way