I swear I just now as my fingers touched the keys, thought about ranting about my crazy ass landlord only because I have no one else to tell of his antics, but now think it would be boring. ok ok ok I wanna...
He burns my ass. Not literally that would be fun maybe, he just pushes my damn buttons. Theres really not much I can do about his behaviour because I have signed no lease which I thought at the time would give me more freedom (to leave in a hurry or whatever) but now see I really just gave him more freedom to make shit up as we go along.
When I looked at the place I didn't like the neighbourhood really but the rent was good, all inclusive with nice backyard, garage full basement. It was in rough condition to say the least but I decided to fix it up and bunker down here for a bit till my mortagage comes through.
He obviousl rented to drunks and party ppl before us because all the walls were body slammed and punched through, the doors too, the bottoms of which were chewed off by dogs. the "decor" hahah was atrocious. Heavy dark wall paper painted over for years with build up smoke and whatever else. The florrs all needed redoing, and I pulled a bucket of nails out of the walls. He agreed to pay for materials if I got them cheap and did work myself. Good deal for him really. I fix up his house and he has ppl in it that respect it and pay on time....(LIKE CHUMPS!!!! FUCK!)
Three weeks after moving in he informs me hes not paying..I'm talking loads of paint drywall you name it I fixed it...Not to mention how shitty it was to do not only $
He then informed me that we can't use the basement because the "city" told him we shouldn't due to codes..Now here we are here for a few months , settled in.. I was thinking that I put his shit in the beginning with the not paying behind me and he now tells me that if I want to continue use of the garage I have to pay more or get my shit out. I luaghed and said FUCK YOU. Thats when he came back with a buddy went in the garage beside a show Beetle that we have in there and practised his golf swing with some clubs he brought.
Did I mention that he just got out of jail for dope and shooting a biker dude ?
Well thats where we are now...At a standstill. I hate getting dicked by this guy but see no alrnatives. I cant leave because then he wins. (I heard him say to buddy that he can rent it for more now that we fixed it up)
So thats it folks.....What would you do?
He burns my ass. Not literally that would be fun maybe, he just pushes my damn buttons. Theres really not much I can do about his behaviour because I have signed no lease which I thought at the time would give me more freedom (to leave in a hurry or whatever) but now see I really just gave him more freedom to make shit up as we go along.
When I looked at the place I didn't like the neighbourhood really but the rent was good, all inclusive with nice backyard, garage full basement. It was in rough condition to say the least but I decided to fix it up and bunker down here for a bit till my mortagage comes through.
He obviousl rented to drunks and party ppl before us because all the walls were body slammed and punched through, the doors too, the bottoms of which were chewed off by dogs. the "decor" hahah was atrocious. Heavy dark wall paper painted over for years with build up smoke and whatever else. The florrs all needed redoing, and I pulled a bucket of nails out of the walls. He agreed to pay for materials if I got them cheap and did work myself. Good deal for him really. I fix up his house and he has ppl in it that respect it and pay on time....(LIKE CHUMPS!!!! FUCK!)
Three weeks after moving in he informs me hes not paying..I'm talking loads of paint drywall you name it I fixed it...Not to mention how shitty it was to do not only $
He then informed me that we can't use the basement because the "city" told him we shouldn't due to codes..Now here we are here for a few months , settled in.. I was thinking that I put his shit in the beginning with the not paying behind me and he now tells me that if I want to continue use of the garage I have to pay more or get my shit out. I luaghed and said FUCK YOU. Thats when he came back with a buddy went in the garage beside a show Beetle that we have in there and practised his golf swing with some clubs he brought.
Did I mention that he just got out of jail for dope and shooting a biker dude ?
Well thats where we are now...At a standstill. I hate getting dicked by this guy but see no alrnatives. I cant leave because then he wins. (I heard him say to buddy that he can rent it for more now that we fixed it up)

So thats it folks.....What would you do?
I think you gotta bite the bullet, and quietly find an alternative. Assholes like this love this kinda drama, and unless you have a bunch of muscle and you think you can show him you are not to be fucked with because consequences are grave, and I had to do that once and the dude left us alone, I think a family and a mom has to scour every option available and tell him goodbye. This is not healthy for you and his record of alleged use of firearms notches things up a bit. Think of the big O and the Des meister and like a good sargeant I think you have to withdraw for the sake of the troops, you are not the lone warrior anymore , and even if you are the baddest bitch, this is when a mom protects the family and gets the hell out of there as quickly as she can .
I love you hun. Dan